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#Bollywood_News 9 Part की Tandav Web Series में Saif Ali खान, डिंपल कपाड़िया, तिग्मांशु धूलिया और कुमोद मिश्रा द्वारा अभिनीत कलाकारों की टुकड़ी है। अभिनेता सैफ अली खान की Amazon Prime Video की “Tandav” 15 जनवरी 2021 को स्ट्रीमिंग प्लेटफॉर्म पर aa चुकी है। अली अब्बास ज़फ़र द्वारा निर्मित और निर्देशित, Tandav के 9 पार्ट के राजनीतिक नाटक में सैफ अली खान, डिंपल कपाड़िया, तिग्मांशु धूलिया और कुमुद मिश्रा द्वारा निर्देशित कलाकारों की टुकड़ी है।
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अगर आपने Tandav Download Web Series नहीं की है , तो आप इसे कानूनी तरीके से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं और इसे देख भी सकते हैं। तो यह अमेज़ॅन प्राइम वीडियो इंडिया के साथ सही तरीका है, आप इन दो प्लेटफार्मों से किसी भी समस्या के बिना श्रृंखला कर सकते हैं।
Tandav Web Series ज़फ़र के डिजिटल डेब्यू को चिह्नित करती है, जिसे “Tiger Zinda Hai”, “Bharat” और “Sultan” जैसे ब्लॉकबस्टर निर्देशन के लिए जाना जाता है। फिल्म निर्माता ने “Tandav Web Series” के माध्यम से कहा, टीम का प्रयास दर्शकों को “राजनीति की शक्ति-भूखी दुनिया” दिखाने का है। Tandav: तांडव के ट्रेलर ने इन्टरनेट पर मचाया तहलका; Amazon Prime पर Tandav यानी “राजनीति का खतरनाक नृत्य”
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“जैसा कि आप शो देखते हैं, आप महसूस करेंगे कि कोई सही या गलत नहीं है, कोई काला या सफेद नहीं है; शक्ति की दुनिया ग्रेस की दुनिया के बारे में है। मेरा मानना है कि सामग्री को विश्वसनीय प्रदर्शनों द्वारा समर्थित किया जाना चाहिए और मैं शो में इस तरह के भारी वजन के लिए भाग्यशाली हूं।
जफर ने एक बयान में कहा, “मैं उत्साहित हूं कि डिजिटल डोमेन में एक निर्माता-निर्देशक के रूप में मेरी शुरुआत अमेज़ॅन प्राइम वीडियो (Amazon Prime Video) के साथ हुई है, जो ‘टंडव’ की इस पेचीदा और मनोरंजक कहानी को लाखों लोगों तक ले जाएगा।”
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दिल्ली में स्थापित, “Tandav Web Series” का उद्देश्य दर्शकों को “बंद, अराजक गलियारों की शक्ति” के अंदर ले जाना है और जोड़तोड़, रथों के साथ-साथ उन लोगों के काले रहस्यों को उजागर करना है जो शक्ति की खोज में किसी भी लंबाई तक जाएंगे, “से सिनॉप्सिस निर्माताओं ने पढ़ा।
हिमांशु किशन मेहरा और ज़फ़र द्वारा निर्मित, “Tandav Web Series” में डिनो मोरिया, सुनील ग्रोवर, गौहर खान, अमायरा दस्तूर, मो. जीशान अय्यूब, कृतिका कामरा, सारा जेन डायस, संध्या मृदुल, अनूप सोनी, हितेन तेजवानी, परेश पाहुजा और शोनाली नागरानी सहित अन्य। अमेज़न प्राइम वीडियो (Amazon Prime Video) में भारत मूल के प्रमुख अपर्णा पुरोहित ने श्रृंखला को “शक्ति का रसीला अन्वेषण” कहा
“अली अब्बास ज़फ़र के साथ जहाज और सैफ, डिंपल, सुनील और जीशान की अगुवाई में एक बेहतरीन कलाकार, जो वास्तव में अनोखे अवतार में नज़र आएगा, हमें विश्वास है कि यह श्रृंखला हर किसी के साथ गूंजती रहेगी जो मनोरंजक और लुभावना दोनों है।
हालाँकि, फिल्म को अब ऑनलाइन मुफ्त में डाउनलोड किया जा रहा है, जो अन्य साइटों के साथ पायरेसी साइट्स, टेलीग्राम और टेलीग्राम पर मुफ्त डाउनलोड कर रहा है। तांडव वेब सीरीज पहले से ही अमेज़ॅन प्राइम वीडियो पर शीर्ष ट्रेंडिंग फिल्मों में से एक है
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Tandav Web Series Download In HD Quality
The #Bollywood_News 9 Part Tandav Web Series features a ensemble cast starring Saif Ali Khan, Dimple Kapadia, Tigmanshu Dhulia and Kumod Mishra. Actor Saif Ali Khan’s Amazon Prime Video’s “Tandav” arrived on the streaming platform on 15 January 2021. Produced and directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, Tandav’s 9-part political drama features an ensemble cast directed by Saif Ali Khan, Dimple Kapadia, Tigmanshu Dhulia and Kumud Mishra.
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The Tandav Web Series marks Zafar’s digital debut, known for blockbuster direction such as “Tiger Zinda Hai”, “Bharat” and “Sultan”. The filmmaker said through the “Tandav Web Series”, the team’s effort is to show viewers the “power-hungry world of politics”. Tandav: The trailer of Tandav created a stir on the internet; Tandav i.e. “Dangerous Dance of Politics” on Amazon Prime
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“As you watch the show, you will feel that there is no right or wrong, there is no black or white; The world of power is about the world of Grace. I believe that the material should be supported by reliable performances and I am fortunate to have such heavy weight in the show.
Zafar said in a statement, “I am excited that I started as a producer-director in the digital domain with Amazon Prime Video, bringing this intriguing and entertaining story of ‘Tandava’ to millions of people.” Will take you till. “
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Set in Delhi, the “Tandav Web Series” aims to take viewers inside the “power of closed, chaotic corridors” and expose the manipulations, chariots as well as the dark secrets of those who search for power in any Will go to length, ”the Synopsis makers read.
Produced by Himanshu Kishan Mehra and Zafar, “Tandav Web Series” features Dino Morea, Sunil Grover, Gauhar Khan, Amaira Dastur, Mo. Zeeshan Ayub, Kritika Kamra, Sara Jane Dias, Sandhya Mridul, Anoop Soni, Hiten Tejwani, Paresh Pahuja and Shonali Nagrani among others. Aparna Purohit, head of India origin, called the series a “succulent exploration of power” at Amazon Prime Video
“Ship with Ali Abbas Zafar and an excellent cast led by Saif, Dimple, Sunil and Zeeshan, who will be seen in a truly unique avatar, we believe this series will resonate with everyone which is both entertaining and intriguing.”
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Tandav (Amazon Prime) Web Series Story, Cast, Real Name, Wiki & More
Tandav (Amazon Prime) : Web Series Story, Cast, Wiki, Real Name, Crew Details, Released Date and More
Tandav is an Indian television series, directed by Ali Abbas Zafar. The series has made under the banner of NSA Picture and Offside Entertainment. It stars Saif Ali Khan, Dimple Kapadia, Sunil Grover, Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub, Kritika Kamra in the lead roles. This series can be stream on the OTT platform Amazon Prime Video.
Title | Tandav |
Main Cast | Saif Ali Khan Dimple Kapadia Sunil Grover Kritika Kamra Tigmanshu Dhulia Dino Morea |
Genre | Political Drama |
Director | Ali Abbas Zafar |
Story and Screenplay | Gaurav Solanki Ali Abbas Zafar |
Casting | Casting Bay |
Production House | NSA Picture Offside Entertainment |
Tandav Web Series Cast
The complete cast of web series Tandav :
Saif Ali Khan
As : Samar Pratap Singh
Dimple Kapadia
As : Anuradha Kishore
Sunil Grover
As : Gurpal Chauhan
Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub
As : Shiva Shekhar
Kritika Kamra
As : Sana Mir
Sukhmani Sadana
As : Dr. Divya Ahluwalia
Kritika Avasthi
As : Richa Avasthi
Sarah Jane Dias
As : Ayesha Pratap Singh
Tigmanshu Dhulia
As : Devki Nandan
Dino Morea
As : Professor Jigar Sampath
Anup Soni
As : Kailash Kumar
Kumud Mishra
As : Gopal Das Munshi
Gauhar Khan
As : Maithili Sharan
Hiten Tejwani
As : Ajay Ahluwalia
Amyra Dastur
As : Ada Mir
Bhawna Choudhary
As : Preeti Singh
Vikhyat Gulati
As : Roshan Thakur
Tasneem Khan
As : Disha Kapoor
Niharika Kundu
As : Simran Ahuja
Gaurav Parajuli
As : Chetan Kranti
Indra Mohan Singh
As : Rahul Singh
Paresh Pahuja
As : Raghu Kishore
Neha Hinge
As : Garima Deswal
Sandhya Mridul
As : Professor Sandhya Nigam
Shonali Nagrani
As : Aditi Mishra
Solanki Diwakar
As : VNU Security Guard
Johri Shobhit
As : Vasu Tyagi
Supporting Cast
- Parv Kaila as Vishal Awasthi
- Kunal Gupta as Sandeep Mahajan
- Samit Gambhir as Amit Mewani
- Latin Ghai as Imran Zaidi
- Bhoomika Meena as Sneha Bhardwaj
- Jatin Sharma as Sumit Dahiya
- Gautam Babbar as Vikram Singh
- Lalit Ambardar as Doctor Sooraj Sood
- Hanif Memon as Sub-inspector Kasturi Lal
- Saurabh Chauhan as Vijay Shekhawat
- Raj Sharma as Ajeet
- Rajiv Gupta as Inspector Narendra Jhakar
- K.P. Maurya as Election Officer
- Sandeep Mehta as Dr. Manohar Pathak
- Bhupendera Taneja as Farmer 1
- Yogesh Yk as VNU Security Guard 2
- Yashu Gandhi as K News Anchor 1
- Ikram Qureshi as Election Officer 2
- Vivek Sinha as Pratha TV Baba
- Mohit Sukhija as Anonymous Caller
- Sidharth Bhardwaj as Sub-inspector Kishan Lal
- Nitin Bhasin as Assistant Sub-inspector Ramkishan Jharwal
- Mukesh Bhatt as Chhote Lal
- Dhiren Gulati as Vishal Awasthi’s Father
- Amrit Tulsi Khurana as Imran Zaidi’s Sister
- Shaurya Kohli as Reporter
- Priyal Mahajan as Rhea Pratap Singh
- Sameer Malik as Assistant Sub-inspector Inder Kumar
- Poonam Mathur as Imran Zaidi’s Mother
- Deepak Mor as K News Anchor
- Sadanand Patil as Sub-inspector Ramjeet Chaudhary
- Arsh Parminder Shah as Farmer
- Anurag Thakur as Sharat
- Simran Tooray as IICMS Receptionist
- Shrikant Verma as Sub-inspector Manohar Thakur
- Hitesh Aggarwal as Headline News Anchor
- Sanchit Ahuja as Azhar Ali
- Neha Atri as Doctor Manohar Pathak’s Wife
- Shashii Bhardwaj as Vishal Awasthi’s Mother
- Gagan Bhasin as Chandar
- Srishti Bhasin as Reporter
- Owais Bhatt as News Anchor
- Shorba Bhattacharya as CBI Officer
- Ruchika Chanana as Shubra Goswami1
- Sukhangshu Chatterjee as CBI Director
- Sanjiv Chopra as Rajsingh
- Ashwani Chugh as President
- Namrata Senani Garg as News 7×24 Networks Anchor
- Bharti Gola as Chetan Kranti’s Mother
- Lalit Goswami as Alwar Street Leader
- Samreen Kaur Hansi as Professor Jagriti
- Sammy Jonas Heaney as World News 24 Anchor
- Jasdeep Kaur as Doctor Sooraj Sood’s Daughter
- Trishala Kaushik as Riddhi Bhatia
- Waseem Khan as News 7×24 Networks Anchor
- Saurabh Kumar as CRD President
- Sandeep Mahajan as CBI Officer
- Deepika Negi as SCF General Secretary
- Krishna Pandey as Doctor Sooraj Sood’s Wife
- Keshav Puri as Anuradha’s Office Assistant
- Punit Rana as Hacker
- Rajeev Aery Ricky as Lawyer
- Komal Sachdeva as Constable Chandni Chautala
- Eliza Sehgal as National News Network 24×7 Anchor
- Abhishek Sharma as Local 5 News Anchor
- Karol Stadnik as Worldwide News Anchor
- Khayati Thakur as Chetan Kranti’s Sister
- Sanjay Tiwari as Tailor
Release Date & Availability
Tandav will be available to stream on Amazon Prime Video from 15 January 2021. It is a prime series of Amazon, so to watch this series you need to have prime account. Other details related to the show is given below.
Available On | Amazon Prime |
Total Episode | 9 Episodes |
Running Time | Not Available |
Released Date | 15 January 2021 |
Language | Hindi, English |
Subtitle | English |
Country | India |
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