In a bizarre incident, a man from Japan has fulfilled his lifelong dream to look alike a dog by spending a whopping amount of ₹12 lakh. Twitter user @toco_eevee has posted pictures of himself that have left netizens astonished.
The man didn't go for any medical procedure but commissioned a life-sized dog costume from a professional agency called Zeppet to look like a collie - dog breed.
Japanese news portal news.mynavi reported that Zeppet is known for making sculptures for advertisements, movies, and amusement parks. The agency also provides costumes for famous mascots in Japan and makes TV outfits as well.
Reportedly, Toko spent 2 million Yen or approximately ₹12 lakh on the costume which took 40 days to make. Talking about his peculiar transformation, Toko told news.mynavi “I made it a collie because it looks real when I put on my taste and costume.” Toko said he likes quadrupedal animals, “especially the cute ones.”
The agency also took to Twitter to share pictures of the costume. “At the request of an individual, we made a dog modelling suit. Modelled after a collie dog, it reproduces the appearance of a real dog walking on four legs like a real dog,” Zeppet tweeted.